The Jesus Game

download a PDF of this textlisten to this sermon Texts on Sunday, September 16, 2007Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19:18; Luke 10: 25-42 “I wish to create around myself conditions in which a man would be continually reminded of the sense and aim of his existence by an...

If What You Fear Does Not Exist

next in the series from the Elisha cycle download a PDF of this textlisten to this sermon Text on Sunday, August 26, 20072 Kings 6: 24—7:17 These stories from the Elisha cycle overwhelm me with their energy. In spite of, or perhaps because of, their fabulous nature,...

This Is Not the Way

next in the series from the Elisha cycle download a PDF of this text Texts on Sunday, August 12, 20072 Kings 6: 8-23; John 14: 4-6, 27 Have you ever heard such a tale of peace-making? What shall we make of it? A pacifist might use the story to argue that we can or...

Love, and Do What You Will

next in the series from the Elisha cycle download a PDF of this text Texts on Sunday, July 15, 2007Romans 14: 1-9; 2 Kings 5: 15-19 Remember what we saw last week. We called it a “master/ servant” story, where the master—Naaman—is indeed a master, but only in the...

Be A Christopher

next in the series from the Elisha cycle download a PDF of this text Texts on Sunday, July 8, 2007       Galatians 6: 1-10, 2 Kings 5: 1-14 I f the story we heard last Sunday belongs to the genre of master and disciple stories, this one...


(first in the series from the Elisha cycle) download a PDF of this text listen to this sermon Texts on Sunday, July 1, 2007       2 Kings 2: 1-14; Luke 9: 51-62 The stories you have heard this morning are master/disciple stories. They tell of the paradox of decision...