Nothing Is Important—Very Important!

November 2, 2003Reading: John 15: 1-7 & Philippians 3: 1-11 Download a PDF of this text Just how far do you want to go with this thing? Imagine your retirement dinner, after the toasts and roasts are done, you stand, you clear your throat, and say: “Whatever...

Irreversible Incarnation

October 12, 2003Readings: Luke 9: 18-27 & Philippians 2: 1-11 Download a PDF of this text This is what I believe. God’s in his heaven–NOT. And all’s right with the world–NOT. No, all is not right with the world, thanks to us. But God is not...


Worldwide Communion SundayOctober 5, 2003Reading: Philippians 1: 27-30 Download a PDF of this text “Live your life in a manner worthy of the gospel.” The English translations of Paul all taste like flat soda here. Paul’s word choice fizzes. Now, I...

Many in this City Are My People

July 20, 2003Readings: Acts 18: 5-17 From the time you were children, you knew that Jesus was in trouble with the Jews. Every child from church knows that this hostility finally led to his death on the cross. When we read in Acts that fights broke out in the...

Spirit in the Dark

June 23, 2003Readings: 1 Samuel 17: 32-49 & Acts 16: 6-15Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vitaMi ritrovai per una selva oscurache la diritta via era smarrita. Those are the opening verses of Dante’s Divine Comedy: “In the middle of the road of our life,...