Conversion: Guilt and Consciousness

Texts on Sunday, March 19, 2006Jeremiah 2: 9-13, 33-37; John 4: 7-24 This Lent, we are holding our focus on some of the painful, difficult emotions that afflict us on our way. Our purpose is not to teach psychology or do therapy but only to discern the light of the...

The Secret and the Wise

Christmas Eve 2005Text:  Matthew 2: 1-10 A funny thing about Christmas–there isn’t a holiday like it for looking back through memory’s lens. The pictures on our cards and in our minds fetch up scenes from England or Germany in the nineteenth century,...

About Abundance: On Earth As It Is In Heaven

November 20, 2005Texts:  Ezekiel 34: 1-16, 25-31; Matthew 25: 31-46Rev. Stephen H. Phelps This past Thursday evening, the rulers in the House of Misrepresentatives passed a bill to cut student loans for working class families, medicaid for the poor who are sick,...

How Hunger Helped Us Here

(next in the series Lessons in the Beginning) Texts on Sunday, September 25, 2005Genesis 41:1–42:5; Luke 9: 13-17 “There is no way you can interpret your own dreams,” a psychotherapist once told me. “They are information in coded form, tales...

Every Round Goes Higher, Higher

(next in the series Lessons in the Beginning) Texts on Sunday, September 18, 2005Genesis 38: 1-30; Matthew 28: 16-20 There’s a phrase people throw about as if it were gospel: The end doesn’t justify the means. No? It had better! When people invoke that...