On the Holy Roller-Coaster

download a PDF of this textlisten to this sermon Texts on Sunday, October 12, 2008     Exodus 32: 1-14; Philippians 4: 1-13 At the point that the wilderness wanderers of Exodus beg Aaron to make them gods, they have been on an awesome emotional...

The Fruit and the Vine

download a PDF of this textlisten to this sermon Texts on Sunday, October 5, 2008Isaiah 5: 1-8 and Matthew 21: 33-46 When Jesus started to tell his parable—There was a landowner who planted a vineyard and put a fence around it— the listeners cannot have missed his...

Quantum, Creation & Christ

download a PDF of this textlisten to this sermon Texts on Sunday, July 20, 2008Genesis 1: 1-3 and John 1: 1-5 Our texts for today begin “in the beginning.” In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void....

We : One

download a PDF of this textlisten to this sermon Texts for Worship at the Annual Meeting of the Presbytery of Western New YorkMay 27, 2008Psalm 133, Ephesians 4: 1-6, John 17: 20-23 I ‘ve been reading a lot in the field of organizational development and leadership...

Why Do You Stand Looking Up?

download a PDF of this textlisten to this sermon Texts on Sunday, May 4, 2008    Luke 24: 44-53 and Acts 1: 3-14 There are two Ascension stories, and Luke tells both of them. One in the last chapter of Luke, the other in the first chapter of Acts....